I just finished going through my giant inventory shipment from Mary Kay that arrived today. It was like Christmas! Sometimes I feel at odds with myself about working retail. I'm not a hard sale sort of person and I've quit jobs where I was expected to be. I like to let the products prove themselves which is something that appeals to me about Mary Kay. The stuff makes your skin feel good and look good. That's what matters to me as a buyer and its the reason I feel comfy selling it. I do think we place too much importance on the "culture of looking young" in our society though, and this sometimes makes me feel like a bit of a hypocrite since I work for the beauty industry. I'm just in it to pamper other women and make them smile though. I think that's whats important in the end.
I've been putting in extra hours at David's this week. The woman I was covering for isn't coming back from maternity leave. I can't really blame her. If her and her husband have the means for her to stay at home with their cute little guy, then by all means she should! I decided not to take the position full time because I want to focus more time and energy on being a part of the art community. I'm really excited about us finding someone who can take the extra responsibility off my shoulders, so I can relax. I'm looking forward to being able to just go to work, do my job, and go home. Its been a very long time since I had a job where that was the case.
I have grand dreams of owning land out here in the hills where we will build a cute little self-sustaining farm. I just wish we didn't have to work so hard and save so much to get there. I keep telling myself its an ends to a means, but I'm naturally impatient so its hard to hunker down. We have goals set as far as paying down debt and saving, I just need to keep in mind why we're working so hard. Its all for a cozy home surrounded by tasty gardens and happy cats and dogs.
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