I'm planning a trip home to Illinois for mid-September. I'm hoping that Carl and Leo can come with me. If they do, its a lot cheaper for us to drive than it is to fly. If they don't, it only cost's $80 more to fly than it does for me to drive. I plan on spending a chunk of the trip at my sister's new house up north for Chloe and Jack's birthdays. Then I'll visit CU for a day or two before heading back here. As much as I wish I could tack on a few days down south at my folk's house, that would add an extra 12 hours of driving. I don't think I can fit it all into a week.
I need to spend the rest of today cleaning our house. It looks like a bomb went off in here. I just haven't had the time or the energy to clean this past week. I've either been too busy or too sick. I wish I could afford to hire a friend to clean our house, but its just not in the budget.